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We’re planning on adding the following success stories and games to our archives, but we need your help! Click here for some guidelines on how to contribute. Also, please feel free to suggest additions to this list, or recommend which success story or game we should write about next.


Game Organization Comments 
A Force More Powerful Breakaway Games  Non-violent resistance simulation.
AltoGame AltoGame  3D simulator for teaching Agile software development methods.
Blackbar Neven Mrgn & James Moore Mobile game about censorship.
Democracy 3 Positech Simulation of UK politics.
Endgame: Eurasia GameTheNews Mobile game about the hard choices in a Middle Eastern civil war.
Half The Sky Half The Sky Movement Mobile and Facebook game about women’s rights.
Howard Dean For Iowa Howard Dean campaign (2004) Web-based game to build ties between campaign workers.
If…  If You Can Mobile game for teaching social and emotional skills.
Incident Commander Breakaway Games Homeland Security training simulator.
Kitchen Hygiene US Center for Disease Control Winner of the CDC’s first serious games jam.
Knack Various Gamified talent acquisition.
Lost Battles King’s College London Wargame used for research and teaching, ancient history.
Marketing Mayhem University of Roehampton Game to teach business ethics.
Planning Poker  various Widely-used technique for collaborative estimation in Agile teams.
Rally Software Innovation games (various) Games that helped prioritize product features for the next 18 months.
Toothsavers AdCouncil Mobile game to encourage children to brush their teeth.
US Navy Massively multiplayer online games Crowdsourced effort to improve interoperability and acquisition for Navy software systems.
Virtual World Framework  Northrop-Grumman Platform for building 3D instructional apps.